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1908年創業 山中漆器 (石川県山中温泉)
With its mountainous nature, Yamanaka - my hometown - has provided wood and the perfectly moderate humidity throughout the year
for working wood, and has traditionally thrived through lacquerware production from old days. The history dates back to 'Azuchi
Momoyama Era (1568-1600)'. Highly experienced Kiji-shi, craftsman who make wooden products, carefully finish the works the
characteristic grinding technique of Yamanaka lacquerware 'Rokuro-hiki'. Enjoy the beautiful natural wood grain, the texture, and the
feel of natural materials.
Keyaki & Urushi
欅 & 漆
Keyaki 25mm Bangle
Keyaki Hoop Pierced Earring
Keyaki & Urushi Hoop Pierced Earring
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